Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday - 30/6/09 - Return

Start tracking my strength workouts on here because its to hard on beyond the whiteboard.
Feels like I have been training solidlu but hardly making gains. Since about three weeks ago I am solely focusing on getting stronger my number one goal.

I am eating more to fuel my workout and lift heavier, trying to stay paleo with the exception of dairy. Also balancing carbs and protein taken from the zone but usually in a bit larger proportions for afternoon snack and dinner.

Training at home in garage;
Back Squat - 60 (5), 80(5), 90(5), 100(5), 110(1), 60 (5) - rest 120 seconds
Press - 30 (5), 40(5), 42.5(5), 42.5(5), 42.5 (4) - rest 60 seconds

Then Practiced Push Jerk felt good today two sets of 5 with the bar then worked up to 30kg and 40kg trying to keep that explosive jump and land.

I am currently doing an inclining 5X5 program, including squat,press and every two weeks i change the o-lift which I do this cycle is the Push Jerk - last cycle was the power clean which felt really good by the end of the two weeks.

My training schedule looks like this;
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Strength (Heavy)
Wednesday - Metcon
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Strength (Light)
Saturday - Metcon
Sunday - Strength (Medium)

I am usually more tired toward the end of the week that is why my lighter day is on the Friday to practise technique. I also try to throw in a small metcon at the end of my strength workouts when energy and time permits.

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